Figure 2.
Performance (proportion correct) in the integration (gray) and segmentation (black) tasks (normalized by pretest practice trials; see Practice trials and lapse rate estimation) as a function of ISI. The point at which these two functions intersect defined the crossover point, that is, our estimate for the length of the TIW. (A) The child group (N = 38) had a TIW of 68 ms (at 47% correct), and (B) the adult group (N = 22) had a TIW of 73 ms (at 65% correct). (C) The below-median age group (5-year-olds) had a TIW of 67.5 ms (at 42% correct), and (D) the above-median group (6-year-olds) had a TIW of 67.3 ms (at 52% correct). Error bars indicate one SEM and whiskers the 95% confidence intervals. Dotted lines show confidence intervals around the least squares fits of the data. The arrow indicates the TIW. The shaded segment of the x-axis shows the 95% confidence interval around the estimate of the TIW.