Figure 4.
First panel: Annual area-normalized magnitude (km−2) in the top 50 Florida lakes. Green, orange, and red dotted lines represent equivalent WHO thresholds of 20,000, 100,000, and 1,000,000 cells mL−1 limits; second panel: the inter-quartile range of area-normalized magnitude ranks in top-ranked Florida lakes over 2003–2011 ordered by their median rank over the 9 year period. Median values or ranks are highlighted in red vertical lines inside the box. Annual area-normalized magnitude rank data points are overlaid on inter-quartile boxes to highlight the variation, where the color of the scatter points indicate data year (tan: start year and deep green: end year). Third panel: green/red bar plot shows Sen’s slope (trends in rank change) during 2003–2011. Green/red color represents positive/negative trend meaning area-normalized magnitude for a lake is decreasing/increasing over time. Fourth panel: bars show Kendall’s τ (absolute values) representing consistency in rank-change trend over time. Dotted lines in Kendall’s τ plot mark the τ values at 0.2 and 0.5.