Table 1.
Complex | BMPR2-ADP |
PDB accession code | 3G2F |
Synchrotron beamline | SLS, PX10 |
Wavelength (Å) | 1.0000 |
Spacegroup | P21212 |
Unit cell dimensions |
a = 94.5, b = 218.8, c = 44.2 Å α = β = γ = 90.0° |
Resolution rangea (Å) | 47.35–2.35 (2.47–2.35) |
No. unique reflectionsa | 39,590 (5,694) |
Completenessa (%) | 100.0 (100.0) |
I/σIa | 8.5 (2.1) |
Rmergea (%) | 12.0 (67.7) |
Redundancya | 5.5 (5.5) |
Refinement | |
No. Protein atoms in refinement | 4934 |
No. Heteroatoms, organic solvent and water | 204 |
Rfact (%) | 20.8 |
Rfree (%) | 24.7 |
Bf protein (Å2) | 25 |
Bf ligand (Å2) | 35 |
rms deviation bond lengthb (Å) | 0.010 |
rms deviation bond angleb (°) | 1.30 |
Molprobity | |
Ramachandran favour | 94.8% |
Ramachandran allowed | 100.0% |
aValues in brackets show the statistics for the highest resolution shell.
brms indicates root-mean-square.