Proposed structures or sequences of oligosaccharides and glycosylation profiles of mucins on sialylated oligosaccharides and their nonsialylated forms identified on Calu-3 mucins before (control) and after infection with N. meningitidis (Nm) or coinfection with N. meningitidis and S. mitis (Nm+Sm). For the proposed structures, sugar types are represented by symbols as follows: blue squares, GlcNAc; yellow squares, GalNac; yellow circles, Gal; small red diamonds, Neu5Ac. The relative percentage of each oligosaccharide was calculated based on the integration of peaks on MS spectra. Two independent experiments of five different filters were studied in bulk. Results are presented as the mean relative percentage of each oligosaccharide ± SEM. A complete list of oligosaccharides is presented in Table S1 in the supplemental material. Sialylated glycans are indicated by gray shading.