Figure 12.
Model of DVB morphologic, synaptic, and behavioral response to adolescent stressors with differential underlying molecular mechanisms. (A) DVB in nonstressed males at day 1 has few neurites and few presynaptic sites. (B) After day 1, neurites will grow out in response to experience/activity, increasing the number of presynaptic puncta; outgrowth is dependent on NRX-1 in DVB, antagonized by NLG-1 in postsynaptic tissues. (C) Adolescent starvation increases DVB neurite outgrowth at day 1 of adulthood with corresponding increases in presynaptic sites and slower spicule protraction. Starvation-induced neurites are dependent on NRX-1 (not in a DVB-autonomous manner) and NLG-1, as well as the transcription factors DAF-16 and HSF-1. (D) Adolescent exposure to heat stress increases DVB neurite outgrowth at day 1, dependent on NLG-1 and partly on DAF-16, but not NRX-1. This outgrowth does not increase presynaptic sites or alter spicule protraction behavior. (E) Adolescent exposure to UV increases DVB neurite outgrowth at day 1 without increasing presynaptic sites or altering spicule protraction behavior. UV-induced DVB neurite outgrowth is not dependent on NRX-1, NLG-1, but is partly dependent on HSF-1.