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. 2019 Dec 3;26(1):1073274819886930. doi: 10.1177/1073274819886930

Table 1.

Top Cancer Type by Facility and by Gender.a

S. No. Facility Top 2 Overall in Percentages Top 2 for Female in Percentages Top 2 for Male in Percentages % of Pop Age
First Second First Second First Second M F M F
1 Facility 1 Breast 27 Prost 20 Breast 40 Thorax 20; Leukm20 Prost 60 Lung 20; esoph 20 33 67 56 47
2 Facility 2 Cervix 13 Cervix/ut 12 Cervix, 18 Cervix/ut 17 Esoph 15 Neopl 10 31 69 65 50
3 Facility 3 Esoph 7 Breast, Leukm rectum, liver5 Breast 9 Colon 8 Esoph 12 Leukm and colon 6 48 52 61 53
4 Facility 4 Cervix 13 Lympho 12 Cervix 20 Lympho 9 Lympho 17 Esoph, prost, pancr 5 36 64 65 65
5 Facility 5 Cervix 19 Esoph 12 Cervix 28 Breast 16 Esoph 25 Prost 21 32 68 70 40
6 Facility 6 Leukm 10 Cervix & Ovary 8 Cervix 13 Breast 11 colon/leukm rectum 10 Esopha 10 40 60 70 50
7 Facility 7 Breast 17 Prost 11 Breast 30 Cervix/Colon 7 Prost 25 Lympho 13 44 56 44 56
8 Facility 8 No data available
9 Facility 9 Prost 20 Breast 13 Breast 35 Ovary 15 Prost 35 Bladr 10 58 42 42 52
10 Facility 10 Breast 15 Cervix and esoph 13 Breast 24 Cervix 21 Esoph 16 Colon 14 37 63 57 54
11 Facility 11 Cervix 28 Breast/esoph 6 Cervix 38 Ovary 7 Esoph 18 Bladr/lympho 7 27 73 54 47
12 Facility 12 Colon 15 Breast 12; Stomach 12 Breast 27 Carcino 20 Stomac 21 Colon 16 56 44 62 52
Most Common/average Breast 7 Cervix 7 Prost 3 esoph 4 Leukm 2; Rectum 1 Liver 1; Lympho 1 Ovary 1; Colon 1 Stomac 1 42 58 62 52
Top 2 by gender Breast 8 Cervix 8 Esoph 8 Prost 5

Abbreviations: Bladr, bladder; Carcino, carcinoma; Cervix/ut, cervix uterus; esoph, esophagus; Leukm, leukemia; Lympho, lymphoma; Neopl, neoplasm; Pancr, pancreas; Prost, prostate; Stomac, stomach.

a Top 2 Overall represents percentage of type of cancer prevalent at the facility, for example, at facility 1, breast cancer came in at the top constituting 27% of recorded cases followed by prostate with 20%. With respect to gender, column on top 2 female represents percentage of type of cancer prevalent among female patients only at the facility, for example, at facility 1, breast cancer came in at the top constituting 40% of recorded cases followed by thorax and leukemia with 20%. Same applies for column for male. Finally, next columns are for percentage population which shows gender distribution of patients per facility and age distribution per facility.