Table 8.
Example of recognition performance of Bilstm-Att-CRF model and other basic models
行乙状结肠癌根治术 (undergo radical resection of sigmoid colon cancer) |
OP:乙状结肠癌根治术* (radical resection of sigmoid colon cancer) |
OP:乙状结肠癌根治术* (radical resection of sigmoid colon cancer) |
OP:乙状结肠癌根治术* (radical resection of sigmoid colon cancer) |
行局麻下区域淋巴结切除术 (undergo regional lymphadenectomy under local anesthesia) |
OP:淋巴结切除术 (lymphadenectomy) |
OP:局麻下区域淋巴结切除术 (regional lymphadenectomy under local anesthesia) | OP:区域淋巴结切除术* (regional lymphadenectomy) |
行胰腺肿瘤射频消融+无水酒精注射+胆总管十二指肠吻合+胃空肠吻合+胆囊切除术 (undergo radiofrequency ablation of pancreatic tumors+ethanol injection+ choledochoduodenostomy + gastrojejunostomy + cholecystectomy) |
AP: 胰腺 (pancreas) Drug: 酒精 (ethanol) AP: 胆总管十二指肠 (common bile duct and duodenal) OP: 胆囊切除术* (cholecystectomy) |
OP:胰腺肿瘤射频消融* (radiofrequency ablation of pancreatic tumors) AP:胃空肠 (gastrojejunal) OP:胆囊切除术* (cholecystectomy) |
OP:胰腺肿瘤射频消融* (radiofrequency ablation of pancreatic tumors) OP:胆总管十二指肠吻合* (choledochoduodenostomy) OP:无水酒精注射* (ethanol injection) OP:胃空肠吻合* (gastrojejunostomy) OP:胆囊切除术* (cholecystectomy) |
术后行2周期紫衫+DDP化疗(2 cycles chemotherapy of taxol +DDP after the operation) | __ | OP: DDP化疗 (DDP chemotherapy) |
Drug:紫衫* (taxol) Drug: DDP* |
The * denote the correct recognition. OP Operation, AP Anatomical Part