Figure 5. Mitochondrial defects in hearts of R6/2 mice.
A. Electron microscopy analysis of mitochondria in heart from WT mice, R6/2 mice, and R6/2 mice treated with P110 for 8 weeks (3mg/Kg/day) as a continuous subcutaneous infusion). Normal mitochondria structure was dramatically reduced and mitochondria with damaged structure was higher in R6/2 mice, relative to hearts of littermate WT mice. Mitochondrial aspect ratio, form factor, cross sectional area, cristae damage, total number of damaged mitochondria and mitochondrial number were analyzed in each group by an observer blinded to the experimental conditions. B. Levels of mitochondrial Drp1 were determined by immunoblotting, quantified and presented as ratio vs VDAC, loading control in mitochondria enriched fractions from the heart. C. Levels of Aconitase and TOM20 were determined by immunoblotting in total heart lysates, quantified and presented as ratio vs actin, loading control. Data were evaluated by one-way ANOVA and Holm-Sidak's multiple comparisons test for multiple testing between each treatment group. **** p-value <0.0001; *** p-value <0.001; ** p-value <0.01; * p-value <0.05. All graphs represent mean ± s.d. (n=6/group).