(A, B, C) Control and EcRts/EcRnull animals were dissected and ovaries were stained with DAPI (blue), anti-LpR2 antibodies (green), and Nile Red (red). Stained stage 10 egg chambers (follicles) from control n=208 and EcRts/EcRnull n=171 animals were scored (D) as having normal (A’), partial (B’) or absent (C’) LpR2 expression (Arrows point to LpR2 membrane staining). Error bars represent standard deviation. (E, F) Fold change in SCAP, SREBP and the indicated lipid metabolic gene mRNA levels as determined by RNA sequencing of EcRts/EcRnull compared to control stage 10 egg chambers. All error bars represent ± SD. Scale bars = 100um.