Compared to flies fed 2Y medium, ST50s were increased in male and female w[A] (A), LS (B), OR (C) and Sam (D) after 2 d of feeding on 30Y medium (individual two-way ANOVAs; w[A]—yeast concentration, p<0.0001; sex, p=0.8266; interaction, p=0.1857; LS— yeast concentration, p<0.0001; sex, p<0.0001; interaction, p=0.0137; OR— yeast concentration, p<0.0001; sex, p=0.1756; interaction, p=0.4990; Sam— yeast concentration, p=0.0002; sex, p=0.2905; interaction, p=0.4390; *BMC versus 2Y, p=0.0299 to <0.0001; n=6 for all groups in all panels).