Figure 7.
Comparison of five chloroplast genomes of two weedy Sonchus species, S. asper and S. oleraceus plotted against S. webbii by mVISTA. Sequence identity is portrayed with a cut-off of 50% identity. The Y-scale axis represents the percent identity within 50%–100%. Grey arrows indicate genes with their orientation and position. Genome regions are color-coded as green blocks for the conserved coding genes (exon), aqua blue blocks for the conserved non-coding sequences in intergenic regions (CNS), and orange blocks for introns. Thick lines below the alignment indicate the quadripartite regions of genomes; the LSC region is in dark blue, IR regions are in pink, and the SSC region is in peach. Black bordered white peaks that are shown in genome regions indicate the divergent regions with sequence variation among Sonchus species.