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. 2019 Dec 6;2019(12):CD011207. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD011207.pub2

Skowron 2011.

Methods Design: cluster‐RT
Groups: intervention group (pharmaceutical care for hypertension); control group (standard care)
Participants Pharmacies: 55 (28 intervention; 27 control)
Pharmacy worker: 95 pharmacists (44 intervention; 51 control)
Pharmacy user: 193 patients with hypertension (70 intervention; 123 control)
  • mean age: 42.9% aged 46 to 60 years, 39.3% aged 61 to 75 years

Setting: urban, Krakow
Country: Poland
Interventions Pharmacy worker‐directed intervention: training on detection, classification and monitoring of drug‐related problems, pathophysiology of hypertension, risk factors and life‐style factors influencing the disease, and rules of pharmacotherapy of hypertension
  • Delivered by: researchers (pharmacists) and physicians (specialists in arterial hypertension and cardiology)

  • Type: education meetings

  • Mode of delivery: group

  • TDF: knowledge

  • Duration: 3 x 5‐hour training sessions

  • Length of follow‐up: end of project

Pharmacy worker control: wait list; received the same training as the intervention group after final study visit
Pharmacy user‐directed intervention: patients received pharmaceutical care and were educated about pathophysiology, risk factors, treatment and style of life with hypertension, as well as blood pressure measurement, and self‐measurement of blood pressure.
  • Delivered by: pharmacist

  • Type: self‐management; behaviour change; education; medication management

  • Mode of delivery: individual face‐to‐face

  • TDF: knowledge

  • Duration: 12 meetings from November 2004 to January 2006

  • Length of follow‐up: post intervention (12 months)

Pharmacy user control: usual treatment
Outcomes Pharmacy worker:
  • Uptake: not reported, but of original 55 pharmacies and 95 pharmacists randomised only 39 pharmacies and 74 pharmacists were retained in study

  • Behavioural: not assessed

Pharmacy user:
  • Clinical: SBP/DBP

  • Psychological health: not assessed

  • Behavioural: not assessed

  • Quality of life: SF‐36

  • Process: knowledge about hypertension (not validated)

  • Costs/HCU: not assessed

Notes Study/intervention name: none given
Funding source: no specific grant
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk Quote: "Randomization of community pharmacies to control and study group was done by generation of random numbers by computer software."
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk Quote: "Randomization of community pharmacies to control and study group was done by generation of random numbers by computer software."
Baseline outcome measures similar Unclear risk Differences in baseline for education, age and place of residence. Unclear if this was accounted for in the analysis.
Baseline characteristics similar High risk Differences in education, age and residence
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes High risk Significant number of dropouts from both groups
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) 
 All outcomes High risk No information on blinding
Protection against contamination Low risk Randomisation by pharmacies
Selective reporting (reporting bias) High risk No numerical reporting of quality of life
Other bias High risk High number of control pharmacies withdrew
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) 
 All outcomes High risk No information about blinding provided