Table I.
A list of medicinal and edible plants that were used in the current study and their yield of methanolic extraction, EC50 for free radical scavenging, percentage of inhibition at a concentration of 250 µg/ml of plant extract and 4-EC50 cytotoxicity for the most active plant.
Scientific name (part of the plant) | The extract yield (%) | EC50 of free radical scavenging (µg/ml) | % Inhibition at concentrations of 250 µg/ml of (%) | EC50 of cytotoxicity (µg/ml) |
Vitis vinifera (leaf) | 6.32 | 4.63 | 13 | |
Stevia rabaudiana (leaf) | 19.38 | 9.77 | 12 | |
Rosmarinus officinalis (leaf) | 11.72 | 3.45 | 95 | 131 |
Rubus idaeus (leaf) | 4.82 | 4.25 | 22 | |
Punuca granatum (fruit peel) | 38.02 | 87.30 | 49 | |
Origanum vulgare (leaf) | 10.00 | 1.67 | 90 | 180 |
Vitex agnus-castus (seeds) | 3.60 | 166.43 | 99 | 42 |
Thymus vulgaris (leaf) | 11.63 | 1.98 | 33 | |
Mentha piperita (leaf) | 10.97 | 1.68 | 30 | |
Melissa officinalis (leaf) | 9.70 | 0.28 | 36 | |
Urtica urens/pilulifera (leaf) | 7.33 | 220.92 | 0 | |
Orea europaea (leaf) | 25.20 | 2.98 | 30 | |
Camelia sinensis (leaf) | 11.26 | 54.2 | 33 | |
Cynara cardunculus (leaf) | 20.15 | 17.61 | 95 | 152 |
Foeniculurn vulgare (seeds) | 4.06 | 26.74 | 0 | |
Petroselinum crispum (leaf) | 18.78 | 282.70 | 0 | |
Pelargonium spp (leaf) | 11.30 | 2.83 | 53 | |
Lippia citriodora (leaf) | 8.33 | 4.14 | 92 | 197 |
Ocimum basilicum (leaf) | 11.22 | 8.73 | 3 | |
Sumac (ripe fruit) | 30.44 | <0.5 | 66 | |
Zingiber officinale (root) | 4.32 | 81.0 | 95 | 109 |
Cinnamomum aromaticum (bark) | 4.26 | 1.67 | 100 | 162 |
Cuminum cyminum (seeds) | 10.14 | 23.90 | 10 | |
Portulaca oleracea (leaf and stem) | 10.08 | 47.33 | 14 | |
Centaurea (leaf and stem) | 12.10 | 249.97 | 18 | |
Scolymus maculatus (leaf and stem) | 3.82 | 259.03 | 0 | |
Cichorium intybus (leaf) | 15.08 | 83.96 | 0 | |
Malvaa (leaf) | 14.77 | <0.5 | 0 | |
Allium cepa (leaf) | 8.15 | 215.20 | 0 | |
Corchorus olitorius (leaf) | 11.23 | 10.64 | 0 | |
Gundelia tournefortiia (stem) | 10.44 | 140.79 | 0 | |
Hyssopus (leaf) | 3.60 | 13.10 | 0 | |
Green tea (leaf) | 14.73 | 0.38 | 0 | |
Petroselinum (leaf and stem) | 6.96 | 35.97 | 0 | |
Thymus capitatus (leaf) | 9.28 | 2.12 | 37 | |
Foeniculurn vulgare (leaf and stem) | 4.76 | 20.86 | 33 | |
Melissa officinalis (leaf) | 8.80 | 24.0 | 0 | |
Petroselium (leaf) | 17.55 | 381.20 | 4 | |
Laurus nobilis (leaf) | 12.74 | 8.92 | 93 | 182 |
Salvia officinalis (leaf) | 9.22 | 267.92 | 90 | 142 |
Cymbopogon citratus (leaf) | 11.54 | 9.80 | 24 | |
Linum usitatissimum (seeds) | 0.40 | 4,523.5 | 0 | |
Avena sativa (seeds) | 22.00 | 635.51 | 1 | |
Ceratonia siliqua (ripe fruit) | 25.06 | 130.9 | 12 | |
Origanum syriacum (leaf) | 13.53 | 1.84 | 15 | |
Camomile (leaf and flowers) | 16.25 | 29.00 | 7 | |
Salvia hispanica (seeds) | 0.50 | 3,736.5 | 4 | |
Crocusa (seeds) | 0.96 | 765.2 | 31 | |
Vitex agnus-castusa (stem + leaf) | 12.00 | 266.51 | 0 | |
Marrubium vulgarea (leaf) | 2.56 | 51.3 | 0 | |
Ficus religiosaa (stem) | 4.22 | 215.92 | 23 | |
Lepidium sativuma (seeds) | 0.84 | 2,529.8 | 0 | |
Angelica sylvestrisa (leaf) | 10.10 | 2.00 | 3 | |
Gentianaa (leaf) | 30.76 | 396.03 | 0 | |
Pelargonium sp.a (stem) | 3.88 | 146.5 | 3 | |
Eryngiuma (stem) | 4.32 | 253.31 | 0 | |
Humulus lupupusa (leaf) | 12.36 | 4.22 | 3 |
Plants purchased at the local market.