Figure 2.
The stress transmission result of FE simulation. The assembly methods of (A) the first FE simulation test and (B) the second FE simulation test. The section views of stress transmission in (C) D1, (D) D2, (E) D3 and (F) the nonporous block structure. The threshold was set to 10 MPa in the above 4 stress nephograms. The position of Region 1 is indicated by the frames, and the stress concentration is pointed out by arrows in (F). The scaffold part was removed, and the section views of the base in (G) D1, (H) D2, (I) D3 and (J) the nonporous block structure are demonstrated. The threshold was set to 2 MPa in the above 4 stress nephograms. The position of Region 2 is indicated by the frames. FE = finite element.