Table 1.
Description of variables used in the models
Variable | Description | Source |
Economic variables | ||
Log GDPpc PPP | Log of GDP per capita in PPP international dollars 2011 | 50 |
Log GDPpc PPP growth rate | Log of GDP per capita PPP annual growth rate | 50 |
Industry growth rate | Annual growth rate of industry (2-digit Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities) value added | 54 |
Labor share | Ratio of the wage bill over total industry value added | 54 |
Malaria-related variable | ||
Log malaria incidence | Log of malaria case incidence per 1,000 population | 27 |
Log annual change incidence | Log of annual change in malaria case incidence per 1,000 population | 27 |
Antimalarial treatment failure | Percentage of patients with malaria treatment failure (per protocol) | 27,44 |
Insecticide resistance | Percentage of studies with resistance status classified as confirmed, possible, and susceptible | 27,44 |
Institutional, socioeconomic, and geographical variables | ||
Rule of Law | Country-specific annual score on aggregate Rule of Law indicator measuring the extent to which agents have confidence in and abide by the rules of society | 50 |
Life expectancy at birth | Country-specific annual average number of years a newborn is expected to live | 50 |
Years of schooling | Average number of years of schooling in population aged 15+ years | 51 |
Colony | Dummy variable for whether the country was a colony | 52 |
Landlocked | Dummy variable for whether the country is landlocked | 52 |
GDPpc = gross domestic product per capita; PPP = purchasing power parity.