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. 2019 Oct 14;101(6):1405–1415. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.19-0386

Table 1.

Description of variables used in the models

Variable Description Source
Economic variables
 Log GDPpc PPP Log of GDP per capita in PPP international dollars 2011 50
 Log GDPpc PPP growth rate Log of GDP per capita PPP annual growth rate 50
 Industry growth rate Annual growth rate of industry (2-digit Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities) value added 54
 Labor share Ratio of the wage bill over total industry value added 54
Malaria-related variable
 Log malaria incidence Log of malaria case incidence per 1,000 population 27
 Log annual change incidence Log of annual change in malaria case incidence per 1,000 population 27
 Antimalarial treatment failure Percentage of patients with malaria treatment failure (per protocol) 27,44
 Insecticide resistance Percentage of studies with resistance status classified as confirmed, possible, and susceptible 27,44
Institutional, socioeconomic, and geographical variables
 Rule of Law Country-specific annual score on aggregate Rule of Law indicator measuring the extent to which agents have confidence in and abide by the rules of society 50
 Life expectancy at birth Country-specific annual average number of years a newborn is expected to live 50
 Years of schooling Average number of years of schooling in population aged 15+ years 51
 Colony Dummy variable for whether the country was a colony 52
 Landlocked Dummy variable for whether the country is landlocked 52

GDPpc = gross domestic product per capita; PPP = purchasing power parity.