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. 2019 Dec 2;14:2733–2744. doi: 10.2147/COPD.S221852

Table 2.

Demographic And Baseline Characteristics Of Patients (ITT population)

Moderate COPDa (N=254) Severe COPDb (N=191) All RESTORE Patientsc (N=445)
Erdosteine Placebo Erdosteine Placebo Erdosteine Placebo
Patients, n 126 128 89 102 215 230
Age, years 64.8 (7.6) 66.1 (7.3) 62.9 (8.9) 63.1 (8.8) 63.8 (8.3) 64.1 (8.2)
Male, % 65.9 72.7 74.5 73.9 71.8 74.6
BMI, kg/m2 27.6 (5.0) 28.2 (5.6) 27.0 (4.8) 27.8 (5.1) 27.2 (5.3) 28.0 (5.4)
Smoking status, %
 Current smoker 31.7 28.9 25.8 27.5 27.1 28.0
 Ex-smoker 68.3 71.1 74.2 72.5 72.9 72.0
ICS,d n (%) 88 (69.8) 91 (71.1) 80 (89.9)* 94 (92.2)* 165 (75.8) 173 (75.2)
FEV1, L 1.61 (0.35) 1.68 (0.42) 1.26 (0.39) 1.23 (0.43) 1.43 (0.40) 1.46 (0.47)
FEV1, % predicted 59.88 (6.3) 61.08 (6.8) 47.21 (10.83) 46.72 (11.69) 51.45 (12.82) 54.38 (13.33)
FVC, L 2.82 (0.66) 2.89 (0.72) 2.59 (0.99)* 2.54 (0.97)* 2.74 (0.93) 2.74 (0.94)
Post-BD FEV1/FVC, ratio % 58.76 (8.8) 58.00 (8.1) 51.92 (9.88)* 50.81 (10.03)* 54.01 (11.3) 53.26 (10.8)

Notes: Data are presented as mean (standard deviation) unless indicated otherwise. aModerate COPD group determined post hoc based on GOLD 2011 spirometry criteria (FEV1 50‒79% predicted); bSevere COPD group determined post hoc based on GOLD 2011 spirometry criteria (FEV1 30%‒49% predicted); cData from Dal Negro et al;23dICS alone or combined with adrenergic agents. *P<0.05 versus moderate COPD group. (Categorical variables have been compared as continuous depending on the distribution: if normal with t-tested for independent samples, if not normal with comparisons between treatment groups used the Mann–Whitney U-test). All comparisons between the erdosteine and placebo groups were non-significant.

Abbreviations: BD, bronchodilator; BMI, body mass index; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FVC, forced vital capacity; ICS, inhaled corticosteroid; ITT, intention-to-treat; NS, not significant for comparison between treatment groups.