DHA increases chemotherapy drug absorption. (A–B) Inhibition rate of PC-9/GR cells was assessed after 24hrs of stimulation of combination of doxorubicin and DHA (25μM) by CCK8 assay. Bars represent SEM, ***p<0.001 versus non-treated control of PC-9/GR cells. (C) Combination index was calculated by Calcusyn 2.0 based on the inhibition rate acquired in CCK8 assay. (D–E) PC-9/GR cells were stained with Annexin V and PI and apoptosis cells were quantitated by flow cytometer after DHA (25μM) and doxorubicin (0.5μM) treatment. Results from the experiments are shown as means ± SEM. The data are presented as the percentage of cell inhibition rate to unstimulated cells (0μM). Bars represent SEM, **p<0.01 or ***p<0.001 versus non-treated control of PC-9 and PC-9/GR cells. ## p<0.05 versus non-DHA-treated of PC-9 cells. (F–I) The fluorescence intensity was measured at 488-nm excitation and 575-nm emission after cells were treated by doxorubicin and at 480-nm excitation and 505-nm emission after cells were treated by fluorescent probe using a fluorospectro photometer. Bars represent SEM, **p<0.01 or ***p<0.001 versus non-treated control of PC-9/GR cells. (J) PC-9 cells and PC-9/GR cells were incubated with the indicated concentration of DMSO, DHA (25μM) for 24hrs and then exposed for 3hrs to fluorescent probe with gefitinib skeleton (10μmol/L). Confocal images of cells show fluorescence of DAPI in blue, fluorescent probe in green, and are merged in Lane 3.