Fig. 4. Optogenetic inhibition revealed that distinct adult-born neuron cohorts underlined distinct memories.
a Experimental design. Adult-born neurons aged 8 days at the beginning of the first enrichment were transduced with a lentivirus expressing halorhodopsin (Halo) or with an empty virus (Cont). Light stimulation was performed during the test trial of the habituation/dishabituation task. b–d Behavioral results. b The learned discrimination of +lim/−lim is abolished by light stimulation in the Halo group (n = 13), but not in the Control group (n = 12). c Discrimination between dec/dodec is not altered by light stimulation (Cont n = 13; Halo n = 14). d Discrimination between a dissimilar odorant pair +lim/ +carvone is not altered by light-triggered inhibition of adult-born neurons (Cont n = 9; Halo n = 14). t-tests *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001 (for difference between Hab4 and Test in b–d). e The density of EYFP-positive transduced cells in the OB is similar between Control (n = 9) and Halo (n = 7) animals. f Percentage of EYFP/Zif268-positive cells after light-triggered inhibition is decreased in Halo (n = 7) compared to Control (n = 8). t-test *p < 0.05 (for difference between Halo and Control groups in f). Data are represented as data points and mean ± sem. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.