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. 2019 Oct 16;8(21):e013287. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.119.013287

Table 1.

Characteristics of the Participants at Enrollment

Characteristics All Participants (N=383)
Age, mean (95% CI) 42.2 (40.6, 43.7)
Male sex, % (n) 41.5 (159/383)
BMI, median (IQR) 21.5 (19.0, 24.6)
WHO BMI categories, % (n)
Underweight (<18.5) 18.8 (72/383)
Normal weight (18.5 to <25) 60.3 (231/383)
Overweight (≥25 to <30) 17.5 (67/383)
Obese (≥30) 3.4 (13/383)
Smoking categories, % (n)
Never 56.7 (217/383)
Former 10.2 (39/383)
Current 33.2 (127/383)
WHO work‐related physical activity, % (n)
Sedentary 1 (4/383)
Moderatea 99 (379/383)
Vigorousb 0 (0/383)
Urinary creatinine (mg/d), median (IQR)
Male 1420 (1050, 1744)
Female 1083 (902, 1262)
Household wealth categories, % (n)
Lowest 23.5 (39/166)
Second 21.1 (35/166)
Third 20.5 (34/166)
Fourth 18.1 (30/166)
Highest 16.9 (28/166)
Added table salt with food 66.6 (255/383)
Added table salt during cooking, % (n) 100 (166/166)
Hours of sleep, % (n)
<6 h 14.9 (57/383)
≥6 to <9 h 88.0 (280/383)
≥9 h 12.0 (46/383)
Alcohol consumption, % (n) 5.5 (21/383)
Religion, % (n)
Hindu 29.2 (112/383)
Muslim 70.8 (271/383)
Self‐reported disease, % (n)
Hypertension 15.1 (58/383)
Diabetes mellitus 6.5 (358/383)
Chronic kidney disease 3.9 (15/383)

BMI indicates body mass index; IQR, interquartile range; WHO, World Health Organization.


Work involves moderate‐intensity activity that causes small increases in breathing or heart rate such as brisk walking (or carrying light loads) for at least 10 min continuously.


Work involves vigorous‐intensity activity that causes large increases in breathing or heart rate (carrying or lifting heavy loads, digging or construction work) for at least 10 min continuously.