Confocal micrographs showing phenotypes of selected genes after being knocked down using the UAS-Dcr2, w1118; nosP-GAL4-NGT40; bamP-GFP driver. (A) Control flies are driver flies crossed with wild type (w−). The anterior part of a single ovariole with maturing egg-chambers stained for Vasa, GFP (Bam) and alpha-spectrin is shown. (B-E) RNAi knockdown phenotypes for cav (B,B′), CG4038 (C,C′), Tusp (D,D′) and myc (E) stained as in A. Panels labeled with ' are higher magnification images of the respective genotypes. B′ is a digital magnification of B at a slightly different focal plane to illustrate non-specific anti-Vas staining within and around the apparently empty germaria. (B–E) The anterior tips of whole ovaries containing several ovarioles are shown. Anterior is to the left. Scale bars: 10 µm.