Fig 5 |. Soft hydrogel culture produces more physiologically representative chromatin accessibility profiles than standard tissue culture.
a, Representative morphologies of MCF10A cells cultured on tissue culture polystyrene (TCPS, left), on soft 2D matrices, in soft 3D matrices, and from human mammary tissue (image credit: Human Protein Atlas). Scale bars represent 25 μm. b, Heatmap of significantly differentially accessible regions between the different culture conditions and mammary epithelium, demonstrating the similarity in accessibility with cultures from soft matrices. Each row represents a differential region, each column is one biological replicates of the indicated condition. c, Principal components analysis reveals that accessible regions in soft matrices cluster closer to mammary epithelium than 2D TCPS along the first PC that accounts for 72% of variance. Three biological replicates were used for 2D TCPS, 2D soft and 3D soft, and two were used for in vivo mammary epithelium.