Figure 7. Acute bath application of ethanol reduces synaptically-induced action potential firing in both pyramidal neurons and interneurons.
Representative traces of current-clamp recordings from A) pyramidal neurons and B) interneurons obtained at baseline, during 90 mM ethanol bath application, and washout. Mice were not exposed to ethanol in vapor chambers for these experiments. Normalized action potential numbers are shown for C) pyramidal neurons and D) interneurons during application and washout of either 90 mM ethanol (pyramidal n = 11 cells (from 9 animals from 7 litters); interneuron n = 11 cells (from 10 animals from 6 litters)), 5 μM DL-AP5 (pyramidal n = 10 cells (from 10 animals from 7 litters); interneuron n = 11 cells (from 11 animals from 8 litters)), 50 nM NBQX (pyramidal n = 11 cells (from 11 animals from 8 litters); interneuron n = 10 cells (from 10 animals from 8 litters)), or 5 μM-AP5 + 50 nM NBQX (pyramidal n = 13 cells (from 10 animals from 6 litters); interneuron n = 11 cells (from 10 animals from 6 litters)). Action potential firing analyses were carried out in animals that were not exposed to ethanol in vivo via vapor chambers. Bonferroni corrected p-values presented show the result of a parametric or non-parametric multiple comparison test comparing how the different drugs changed action potential number compared to 90 mM ethanol. For a detailed presentation of statistical analyses, please see Supplemental Table 1. Data points are mean ± SEM for the normalized number of action potentials.