Table 1.
Risk factor | Screening (all patients) | Assessment (at risk patients) | Intervention principles | Prehabilitation goals |
Physical activity | Assess against chief medical officer recommendations for healthy adults:
150 minutes moderate intensity exercise per week or 75 minutes vigorous intensity exercise per week plus muscle strengthening exercise on 2 or more days per week. Patients failing to meet one or both criteria should be offered exercise prehabilitation. |
Objective assessment of physical fitness eg
cardiopulmonary exercise test 6 minute walk test incremental shuttle walk test. |
Combined aerobic and resistance training programme.
Prescribed based on objective fitness assessment. Monitored and modified to account for improvements in fitness. |
Improve aerobic capacity
Develop lean muscle mass |
Inspiratory muscle training | ARISCAT score.
Consider IMT in ‘intermediate-’ and ‘high-’ risk patients. |
n/a | Structured IMT programme. | Develop muscles of respiration and reduce risk of perioperative pulmonary complications. |
Smoking | Establish smoking status.
All smokers should be offered cessation support. |
Support access to cessation services for assessment.
Fagerström score used to titrate nicotine therapy. |
Gold-standard cessation programme (combines counselling and nicotine replacement therapy). | Preoperative cessation. |
Alcohol | Establish weekly intake in units.
Patients with a ‘hazardous’ intake (>14 units per week) should undergo further assessment. |
AUDIT/AUDIT-C questionnaires in those with higher intakes. | Patients with features of dependence will require input from specialist alcohol services.
Those with ‘hazardous’ intakes may respond to the ‘brief alcohol intervention’. |
Modify intake to non-hazardous levels. |
Nutrition | MUST (Can be adapted for preoperative setting). 39 | Dietician/nutritionist assessment. | Identify macro- and micronutrient deficiencies (ensure total protein intake 1.5–2.0 g/kg daily).
‘Food first’ approach to correction. Consider protein supplementation following exercise training sessions. |
Correct preoperative malnutrition.
Support exercise training. |
Psychological factors | HADS | Assessment for poorly controlled depression and anxiety and low self-efficacy to engage with prehabilitation. | Build self-efficacy through other risk factor interventions.
Education programmes. Specialist input for psychological intervention. |
Improve control of anxiety and depression.
Develop self-efficacy for prehabilitation and surgery. |
ARISCAT = assess respiratory risk in surgical patients in Catalonia; AUDIT/AUDIT-C = alcohol use disorders identification test; HADS = hospital anxiety depression scale; IMT = inspiratory muscle training; MUST = malnutrition universal screening tool; n/a = not applicable.