Mtb load quantified by MBLA in drug sensitive and resistant Mtb-infected patient groups before and during the first month of treatment. Bacteria loads were measured by MBLA in four Mtb drug-susceptibility phenotype groups: the sensitive group (black, n = 27), EMB-PZA R group (green, n = 10), INH R group (blue, n = 12) and MDR group (red, n = 5). Bacterial loads in the four groups were compared (A) before treatment, (B) after week 1 and (C) after week 4 of treatment. (D) Bacterial loads in the four groups were plotted against time during the first month of TB treatment. Error bars in plots represent medians and interquartile ranges. Statistical comparisons were made using Wilcoxon rank sum test. Only significant results are indicated with P values. Sensitive: sensitive group; EMB-PZA R: EMB and/or PZA resistant group, INH R: INH resistant group, MDR: multidrug resistant group. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)