Figure 7.
MAIT Cells Can Be Found Close to and within the Colonic Epithelium
(A–G) Representative images showing the expression of Va7.2, CD161, CD8, PLZF, CD3, and CD103 in the lamina propria and the epithelium of fixed samples of colonic polyp tissue. Samples were mounted on cytometer chips and iteratively stained with sets of three directly fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies as described in the methods section. Depicted are a merged picture (A) and all the individual stains for Va7.2 (B), CD161(C), CD8 (D), PLZF (E), CD3 (F), and CD103 (G). White arrows mark cells showing co-expression of Va7.2, CD161, PLZF, and CD3 that were defined as MAIT cells here. Note that while CD8 was co-expressed in most of them, CD8− MAITs (arrow + asterisk) could also be found. In contrast, CD103 was rarely co-expressed on MAITs (arrow + diamond). During the iterative staining process dust particles and other detritus can be picked up by the solution flowing over the tissue creating autofluorescent artifacts (1–4). While some of these get washed away after completion of the staining cycle (1, 4), others present during multiple imaging rounds (2, 3). Scale bars, 50μm.