Figure 4.
eCIS Loci Are Divided into Six Families with Different Subtype-Associated Gene Organization
(A) Demarcation of eCIS subtypes based on the same unrooted tree as in Figure 3. Representative genetic compositions of the core components are shown as solid squares color coded as in Figure 1. The previously reported eCIS loci are indicated with red arrows. The support values for major clades are indicated (n = 100).
(B) Representative gene organization of the eCIS loci for each subtype. Known components are color coded with the same schema as in Figure 1. Subtype-specific conserved genes are represented in gray and singletons in white. The percentage above each arrow shows the presence proportion in each subtype. Homologs of the VgrG-like protein Afp8 and the baseplate J-encoding protein Afp11 are highlighted with strips and dots, respectively.
See also Figures S3, S4, S5, and S6 for details.