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. 2019 Sep 1;54(12):1914–1920. doi: 10.1002/ppul.24500

Table 3.

Positive findings on chest ultrasound findings versus chest X‐ray

Finding PTB category Positive chest ultrasound finding Positive CXR finding Agreement chest ultrasound and CXR positive Positive chest ultrasound or CXR finding P value
n/N (%) n/N (%) n/N (%) n/N (%) Ultrasound vs CXR
Consolidation (≥0.5 cm) 75/159 (47) 83/159 (52) 53/159 (33) 105/159 (66) .267
Confirmed PTB 20/36 (56) 20/36 (56) 15/36 (42) 25/36 (69) 1.000
Unconfirmed PTB 29/73 (40) 33/73 (45) 18/73 (25) 44/73 (60) .433
Unlikely PTB 26/50 (52) 30/50 (60) 20/50 (40) 36/50 (72) .317
Pleural effusion 24/159 (15) 14/159 (9) 13/159 (8) 25/159 (16) .004
Confirmed PTB 12/36 (33) 4/36 (11) 4/36 (11) 12/36 (33) .005
Unconfirmed PTB 8/73 (11) 7/73 (10) 6/73 (8) 9/73 (12) .564
Unlikely PTB 4/50 (8) 3/50 (6) 3/50 (6) 4/50 (8) .317
Enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes ≥1 cm 25/112 (22) 10/159 (6) 3/112 (3) 29/159 (18) .001
Confirmed PTB 7/24 (29) 4/36 (11) 0/24 (0) 11/36 (31) .206
Unconfirmed PTB 8/51 (16) 6/73 (8) 3/51 (6) 8/73 (11) .257
Unlikely PTB 10/37 (27) 0/50 (0) 0/37 (0) 10/50 (20) .002

Abbreviations: CXR, chest X‐ray; n, number of children with a positive finding; N, number of children who underwent the investigation; PTB, pulmonary tuberculosis.