Estimated length/height curves for untreated individuals with severe MPS I disease, 0–24 months and 2–12 years old, for males (a, c) and females (b, d), with CDC/WHO standard curves overlaid on a scatter plot of MPS I Registry data. LMS estimated curves (red) and reference curves (blue) for length/height by age are shown overlaid on MPS I registry data (gray scatter) for individuals with severe MPS I). For those 0–24 months (a and b), (a): observations from 208 males with 410 records; (b): observations from 193 females and 367. For those 2–12 years (c and d): (c): observations from 58 males with 136 records; (d): observations from 68 females with 180 records. Median MPS I estimated length/height is shown as solid red lines, and the 97th and 3rd percentiles are shown as red hatched lines. CDC median and 97th and 3rd percentiles curves are shown in blue. Individual data points are shown as gray dots. CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; MPS I, Mucopolysaccharidosis Type I; LMS, Lambda Mu Sigma; WHO, World Health Organization