Total calcium intake (dietary and prenatal supplementation) during pregnancy in subjects provided placebo or calcium supplementation. In each box plot, the line represents the median, the outside edges of each box represent the IQR, hash marks represent the 5–95% range, and any values outside are represented by single points. The line in the graph represents the Recommended Dietary Allowance for calcium intake for pregnant women aged 19–50 y. Calcium intake (milligrams per day) was estimated by validated FFQ. Total intake = calcium by FFQ + prenatal supplemental intake (200 mg/d). These estimates do not include the calcium intervention supplement (1000 mg/d) provided to those in the calcium intervention group. No significant difference in total calcium intake was observed by group at any time point. Baseline visit: calcium, n = 32; placebo, n = 32; visit 2: calcium, n = 28; placebo, n = 29; visit 3: calcium, n = 26; placebo, n = 27. FFQ, food-frequency questionnaire.