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. 2019 Nov 26;5(10):FSO425. doi: 10.2144/fsoa-2019-0064

Table 1. . Immunological characteristics of 12 chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients treated with obinutuzumab.

CD56+ NK cells (effector cells/ml) Baseline After obinutuzumab CD19 (target cells/ml) Baseline After obinutuzumab Tumor destruction in PB
Patient 1 314 24 204,052 170,355 33,697
Patient 2 396 60 229 8 221
Patient 3 1923 36 62,338 357 61,981
Patient 4 305 ND 93,435 ND ND
Patient 10 221 17 61,495 22,836 38,659
Patient 12 147 6 492 4 488
Patient 5 67 1 214 248 0
Patient 6 91 10 115 419 0
Patient 7 343 ND 12283 ND ND
Patient 8 483 10 47,067 15,383 31,684
Patient 9 235 1 6688 309 6379
Patient 11 284 76 68,831 17447 51,384

The bold details are to indicate the values used in the statistical analysis (paired samples).

Cells were counted by flow cytometry with monoclonal antibodies against CD56 and CD19. CD56+ cells represent ‘classic warriors’ such as NK cells and T cells in PB of CLL patients. These CD56+ cells represent effector cells. CD19+ cells represent target cells and represent leukemic CLL B cells and normal B cells in the blood of CLL patients. Tumor destruction in PB = baseline target cells - target cells detected after one 1000 mg dose of obinutuzumab. Both CD19 counts in tumor destruction in PB are used to detect the association between effectors (NK cell count) and tumor destruction in PB using a Rho Spearman's (correlation) test. (rs = 0.63222, p[2-tailed] = 0.049). A linear regression model analyzing the relationship between the baseline effectors (CD56+ NK cells) and target (CD19+ leukemic CLL B cells) destruction shows that on average, 25 target CD19+ cells are destroyed by each effector CD56+ cell (p = 0.03777). The regression equation is: number of targets destroyed = 3670.4 + 24.8 * NK + 0.187 * baseline tumor, with R2 of 0.67.

CLL: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia; ND: Not done; NK: Natural killer; PB: Peripheral blood.