Flowchart of the Methods to determine if physical activity-related gene
expression patterns counter aging and AD-related expression change. 34
microarrays profiling gene expression in the aged human hippocampus were used to
determine the relationship between gene expression and physical activity. Poorly
performing probesets were eliminated by filtering the array data based on flags
(Present, Marginal, Absent) using MAS preprocessing, retaining only probesets
flagged Present on all samples of at least one group (low, moderate, high
activity) (23,034 probesets). Using the programming environment R (http://www.R-project.org/), multiple linear
regression was applied to GC-RMA normalized values using lm( ) to adjust for
technical factors that were potential confounding variables (batch, RIN, and
PMI) and to evaluate the relationship between gene expression and late-life
physical activity levels across the 34 samples. In parallel, Aging and
AD-related gene expression change was assessed using 51 CEL files from the
public gene expression omnibus (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo, dataset accession number
GSE:11882) profiling expression patterns of 54,675 probesets in hippocampal
samples from young cases (20–59 yrs, n=17), cognitively intact aged cases
(73–99 yrs, n=20), and AD cases (73–99 yrs, n=14). The
~55,000 probesets on the array were filtered using MAS preprocessing
derived flags to retain only probesets flagged Present on all samples of at
least one treatment group (21,002 probesets). Using R, multiple linear
regression was applied to GC-RMA normalized values to adjust for batch, RIN, and
PMI and to evaluate gene expression changes in Aging (aging vs young) and AD (AD
vs aged). Probesets significantly associated with both physical activity
(p<0.05 and Aging or AD (p<0.05) were selected, patterns of
expression change were compared for each probeset, and probesets showing
opposite patterns of change with physical activity versus aging or AD were
identified. The number of probesets expected to occur by chance in the overlap
of the 2 studies is 52 probesets, calculated by multiplying the product of the
p-values (0.0025) by the number of probesets that were tested in both datasets
(21,002). The analysis identified 2138 probesets significantly associated with
both physical activity and Aging or AD, 94.9% (2029 probesets) of which showed
the opposite pattern of change with physical activity compared to Aging/AD
(“Anti-Aging/AD probesets”). These probesets were analyzed for
functional enrichment using DAVID.