Fig 7. GPCR expression and presence of driver mutations and the similarity in GPCR expression of primary tumors, metastases, and cancer cells derived from the tumors.
(A) Correlation of median expression of GPCRs in TP53 mutant and PI3K mutant HR-positive BRCA IDC tumors. (B) Median expression of the 25 highest expressed GPCRs in TP53-mutated tumors compared to expression in PI3K mutant HR-positive BRCA IDC tumors. (C) Fold-changes of GPCRs in TP53 mutant and PI3K mutation HR-positive BRCA IDC tumors compared to normal breast tissue. (D) Fold-changes of GPCRs in Stage 1 and Stage 3 HR-positive BRCA IDC tumors over normal breast tissue. (E) Expression of the 25 highest expressed GPCRs and (inset) correlation of median GPCR expression between primary and metastatic SKCM. (F) Gene expression of primary and distant metastatic SKCM tumors cluster differently and have large numbers of differentially expressed genes (S2 Table). (G) Median expression of highest expressed GPCRs in PDAC tumors compared to cancer cells, including those analyzed via methods in [37] (CCLE [38], n = 33; Genentech [39], n = 16; Witkiewicz and colleagues [40], n = 72). (H) Median expression of highest expressed GPCRs in CCLE PDAC cell lines compared to other cell lines (as in panel G), primary cells and PDAC tumors. (I) Median expression of highest expressed GPCRs in SKCM tumors compared to cancer cells, including those analyzed via methods in [37] (CCLE [38], n = 45; Genentech [39], n = 44; Müller and colleagues [41], n = 29). (J) Median expression of highest expressed GPCRs in CCLE SKCM cell lines compared to other cell lines (as in panel I), primary cells and SKCM tumors. Numerical values used to generate panels A–E and G–J can be found at MDS files for panel F and for all other tumor types can be found at BRCA, breast cancer; CCLE, Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia; CPM, Counts Per Million; FC, fold-change; FPKM, Fragments Per Kilobase of exon, per Million reads; GPCR, G protein-coupled receptor; HR, hormone receptor; IDC, infiltrating ductal carcinoma; MDS, Multidimensional Scaling; PDAC, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma; SKCM, skin cutaneous melanoma; TCGA, The Cancer Genome Atlas; TPM, Transcripts Per Million.