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. 2019 Sep 9;37(35):3350–3358. doi: 10.1200/JCO.19.00345

FIG 2.

FIG 2.

Swimmer plots of treatment-free interval between immuno-oncology (IO) protocol therapy cessation and subsequent systemic anticancer (SSAC) therapy initiation for individual patients with advanced melanoma in the CheckMate 067 and 069 trials. Plotted is a random sample of 100 patients per treatment group for (A) nivolumab (NIVO) plus ipilimumab (IPI), (B) NIVO, and (C) IPI. The x-axis is oriented relative to cessation of IO protocol therapy and is truncated at 24 months before and 30 months after cessation. (*) Patients who remained on IO protocol therapy had therapy duration censored at the origin. (†) Treatment-free intervals were highlighted by setting the origin of the x-axis as the point of IO protocol therapy cessation and sorting the individual patients by duration of the treatment-free interval.