NS9283 increases ethanol-conditioned place aversion. a NS9283 (10 mg/kg) alone did not induce CPP or CPA in C57BL/6J mice. b Following conditioning sessions with 1.5 g/kg ethanol, male DBA/2J mice in both vehicle and NS9283 (10 mg/kg) treatment groups developed CPP for ethanol and the magnitude of CPP was not different between these treatment groups. **p = 0.0034, ****p < 0.0001 by Sidak’s multiple comparisons test. c Following conditioning sessions with 2.0 g/kg ethanol, male DBA/2J mice in vehicle and NS9283 (10 mg/kg) treatment groups developed CPA for ethanol, and the magnitude of CPA was greater in the group treated with NS9283. CPA data were not initially normally distributed and therefore were normalized by log transformation prior to ANOVA. **p = 0.0022, ***p = 0.0003, ****p < 0.0001 by Sidak’s multiple comparisons test