Distribution of WMNs in three representative sections processed for NeuN (Case 75r). (a-d) Heatmaps showing the density of WMNs in 0.25 mm2 counting boxes in sections 74 (a), 82 (b), 90 (c) and 98 (d). In counting boxes near or slightly overlapping grey matter borders, only neurons that were clearly in the WM were counted. Numbers indicate WMNsST in the adjacent sections that, by overlying the two sections, could be attributed to a specific counting box. WMNsST that could not be attributed to a specific counting box are not shown. Asterisks indicate the boxes showed in e-j. (e) WM just above the putamen and (f) deep WM below the PMv (both from a); (g) WM at the dorsal entrance of the internal capsule (from c); (h) WM near the claustrum (from d); (i) external capsule (from c); (j) extreme capsule (from d). Cl: claustrum; SI: primary somatosensory cortex. Other abbreviations as in Figures 1, 2, and 3.