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. 2019 Dec 3;322(21):2084–2094. doi: 10.1001/jama.2019.17913

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of Participants in a Study of the Effect of Single-Fraction vs Multifraction Radiotherapy on Ambulatory Status Among Patients With Spinal Canal Compression From Metastatic Cancer.

Characteristic No. (%)
Single-Fraction Radiotherapy Group (n = 345) Multifraction Radiotherapy Group (n = 341)
Median (range), y 70 (23-96) 70 (33-95)
≥75 y 106 (31) 119 (35)
Men 255 (74) 248 (73)
Women 90 (26) 93 (27)
Site of primary cancer
Prostate 152 (44) 152 (45)
Lung 66 (19) 66 (19)
Breast 39 (11) 40 (12)
Gastrointestinal 35 (10) 38 (11)
Kidney 11 (3) 12 (4)
Skin 9 (3) 6 (2)
Bladder 7 (2) 4 (1)
Other (ie, gynecologic, head and neck, sarcoma, unspecified) 26 (8) 23 (7)
Nonskeletal metastases 159 (46) 156 (46)
No. of spinal cord compression sites
Single 303 (88) 311 (91)
Multiple 42 (12) 30 (9)
Location of spinal metastases
Thoracic 232 (67) 230 (67)
Lumbar 72 (21) 65 (19)
Thoracic and lumbar 17 (5) 16 (5)
Sacrum (S1 and S2) 9 (3) 6 (2)
Cervical vertebrae 7 (2) 10 (3)
Cervical and thoracic 5 (1) 8 (2)
Lumbar and sacrum 3 (1) 4 (1)
Not reported 0 2 (1)
WHO performance statusa (n = 343) (n = 337)
0-1 (Best) 97 (28) 94 (28)
2 88 (26) 81 (24)
3 114 (33) 121 (36)
4 (Worst) 44 (13) 41 (12)
Ambulatory status
Grade 1 (ambulatory without the use of walking aids) 76 (22) 77 (23)
Grade 2 (ambulatory with walking aids) 152 (44) 146 (43)
Grade 3 (unable to walk) 91 (26) 90 (26)
Grade 4 (absence or flicker of motor power in any muscle group) 26 (8) 28 (8)
Treatment at baseline (n = 344) (n = 341)
None 156 (45) 141 (41)
Hormone therapy within 4 weeks of randomization 96 (28) 97 (28)
Radiotherapy within 6 mo of randomization 36 (10) 39 (11)
Chemotherapy within 4 weeks of randomization 20 (6) 32 (9)
Combination of the above treatments 36 (10) 32 (9)

WHO performance status of 0 indicates able to carry out all normal activity without restriction; 1, restricted in strenuous activity but ambulatory and able to carry out light work; 2, ambulatory and capable of all self-care but unable to carry out any work activities and are up and about for greater than 50% of waking hours; 3, symptomatic and in a chair or in bed for greater than 50% of the day but not bedridden; and 4, completely disabled, cannot carry out any self-care, and totally confined to bed or chair.