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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2019 Dec 10.
Published in final edited form as: Psychiatr Serv. 2016 Oct 17;68(3):250–257. doi: 10.1176/


Characteristics and responses of 216 persons surveyed about preferred treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), by preferences for first-line and augmentation treatments

First-line treatment (N=198) Augmentation treatment (N=111)
Total (N=216) Prefers EX/RPa (N=108) Prefers SRIb (N=90) Prefers EX/RPa (N=76) Prefers antipsychotic (N=35)
Characteristic N % N % N % N % N %
Age (M±SD) 34±13 32±12 36±13 31±13 42±15
Female 157 73 84 78 63 70 63 83 22 63
 High school 17 8 8 7 8 9 5 7 4 11
 Some college 79 37 43 40 31 34 29 38 11 31
 4-year college degree 120 55 57 53 51 57 42 56 20 57
Marital status
 Single 124 59 65 63 48 53 46 60 15 43
 Married or living with partner 75 35 33 32 35 39 22 29 16 46
 Divorced, separated, or widowed 12 6 5 5 7 8 5 7 4 11
White race 193 89 94 87 88 98 1 1 1 3
Non-Hispanic ethnicity 197 91 95 88 84 93 69 91 34 97
 Employed 120 53 59 55 55 61 43 57 23 66
 Student 36 21 17 16 14 16 15 20 2 6
 Unemployed 60 15 32 30 21 23 18 24 10 29
 <$25,000 45 24 25 28 18 21 12 16 6 17
 $25,000-$55,000 66 35 33 37 30 36 24 32 10 29
 $55,001-$85,000 29 15 14 16 12 14 13 17 4 11
 >$85,000 49 26 18 20 24 29 13 17 13 37
 Private 162 75 78 72 71 79 61 80 28 80
 Public 27 13 15 14 10 11 9 12 15 145
 None 27 12 16 15 9 10 6 8 2 6
Has a diagnosis of OCD 184 85 89 82 80 89 69 91 31 89
OCI-R (M±SD and range)c 48±14 24–84 50±15 26–84 47±13 24–76 50±15 26–84 45±11 27–72
Receiving treatmentd 124 57 51 47 70 71* 68 78 30 86
 SRIb 124 57 47 43 70 78* 68 90 30 86
 Benzodiazepine 30 14 18 17 12 13 18 24 4 11*
 Antipsychotic 19 8 8 7 10 11 7 11 9 26
 EX/RPa 20 9 13 12 6 7 10 13 2 6
 Cognitive therapy 67 31 37 34 29 32 32 42 12 34
 OCD support group 9 4 5 5 4 4 3 4 2 6
 Supportive/dynamic therapy 23 11 10 9 12 13 12 16 5 14
Experience with treatment
 Positive overall 76 49 32 41 42 58* 33 43 13 37
 Positive with medications 69 44 20 27 47 61* 32 42 15 43
 Positive with therapy 83 57 39 54 41 59 38 50 12 34

Exposure and response prevention


Serotonin reuptake inhibitor


Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory-Revised. Possible scores range from 24 to 84, with higher scores indicating more severe illness.


For variables related to treatment, responses about first-line treatment were received from 198 participants and responses for augmentation treatment were received from 111 participants.


p=.05, for association with first-line and augmentation treatment preferences