Fig. 8.
Relationship between virulence and spacer-targeted genes and CRISPR-Cas systems of P. aeruginosa. a Cumulative distributions for the association statistic (log p value of LR test). Genes in the accessory genome are partitioned according to whether they are targeted by spacers (in cyan color) or not (in red color). The p value of two-sample K-S test is indicated. b Cumulative distributions for the association statistic (log p value of LR test). Spacer-targeted genes are partitioned according to whether they are associated with higher (in brown color) or lower (in green color) virulence. The p value of two-sample K-S test is indicated. c, d Box-and-whisker plots of worm median survival in relationship with CRISPR-Cas presence/absence and activity status. c Strains are partitioned according to the presence/absence of host CRISPR-Cas systems (I-E, I-F). d Strains are displayed according to their CRISPR-Cas status in two categories: active or inactive-absent (inactive/absent). The median virulence of the complete set of strains displayed on each graph is indicated with the dashed horizontal line. p values are indicated for the Welch t test comparison of virulence between the two groups represented (c, d)