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. 2019 May 25;69(1):91–109. doi: 10.1093/sysbio/syz035

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Map showing the sampling locations of 85 diploid and 18 autotetraploid Dactylorhiza individuals analyzed here as representatives of potential parents of allopolyploids. The study further includes nine diploid individuals of D. aristata, D. iberica, D. sambucina, and D. viridis, for which sampling locations are presented exclusively in Supplementary Table S1 available on Dryad. Eux = D. euxina, Fol = D. foliosa, Fuc = D. fuchsii, Inc = D. incarnata, Mac = D. maculata, Sac = D. saccifera, Umb = D. umbrosa. The map layer was extracted from GADM version 1.0 (available from Exact coordinates are given in Supplementary Table S2 available on Dryad.