β-Arrestin recruitment by TAS2R14 agonists. HEK-293T cells were transfected to express GFP–β-arrestin1 or GFP–β-arrestin2 and either TAS2R14-WT or TAS2R14-10A and exposed to the indicated agonists for 5 min. A) All agonists caused a redistribution of GFP–β-arrestin1 from a homogenous intracellular pattern to a punctate cell surface pattern with TAS2R14-WT, whereas none of the agonists evoked these changes with TAS2R14-10A. B) This same pattern was observed with GFP–β-arrestin2. C, D). Additional doses of 500 µM and 1.0 mM were used with DPD, revealing redistribution of both β-arrestins with TAS2R14-WT but not TAS2R14-10A. As a positive control, the β2-AR was transfected with either of the β-arrestins, and cells were treated with 1.0 µM isoproterenol (Iso). Veh, vehicle. Results are representative of 4 independent experiments. Scale bar, 5 µm.