Figure. App Screenshots for Bilirubin Analysis.
Screenshots shown for a patient with hyperbilirubinemia (A) and projected hyperbilirubinemia (B). 1, link to open the app in the EHR sidebar; 2, bilirubin levels over time (blue line); 3, patient-specific phototherapy threshold according to American Academy of Pediatrics guideline (green line); 4, inpatient phototherapy (yellow area); 5, patient-specific risk factors; 6, mother’s laboratory information; 7, other neurotoxicity risk factors; 8, guideline-based care recommendations (in blue box); and 9, predicted risk of rebound hyperbilirubinemia following phototherapy (in green box). AAP indicates American Academy of Pediatrics; InPt, inpatient; Neg, negative; OutPt, outpatient; Pos, positive; TSB, total serum bilirubin. Used with permission from Epic Systems Corp.