Fig. 1.
(A) Kinetics of thin filament regulation and cross-bridge cycling, modeled as coupled three-state cycles. Transition rates (kij) between cross-bridge states (X1–X3) are strain dependent. Transition rates (rij) between thin filament states (T1–T3) explicitly encode spatial information about troponin binding Ca2+ and tropomyosin movement. B) We simulated force production in a network of linear springs, using spring constants for thick filaments (km), thin filaments (ka) and cross-bridges (kxb). Thick and thin filament nodes (white circles between springs) represent modeled points from which cross-bridges extend from the thick filament backbone or actin binding sties along the thin filament where cross-bridges. At each time step, Monte-Carlo methods simulate likelihoods of Ca2+ regulated cross-bridge attachment to thin filaments, then forces balance about each node throughout the filament lattice.