Simple analyses |
Compare the mean outcome across multiple time points between groups or compare the area under the longitudinal plot of outcome measures between groups |
Completely random |
Simple and well‐established methodology |
Require complete data, cannot assess effect of time on outcome |
Transition models |
Compare response changes between consecutive time points between groups |
Completely random |
Simple analysis |
Require complete data, cannot formally assess effect of time on outcome, cannot determine overall effect of treatment |
Marginal models |
Regression model to assess treatment effect average over the population over time and can adjust for other covariates in the models |
Completely random |
Flexible regression models, can adjust for other covariates, can accommodate missing data if it is missing completely at random |
Assume that data are missing completely at random, population average interpretation |
Mixed effects models |
Regression model to assess treatment effect within each individual over time and can adjust for other covariates |
Random |
Flexible regression models, can model differential treatment effect over time, can accommodate missing data with less stringent assumptions |
Assume that data are missing at random |
Imputation (simple or multiple) |
Missing values are imputed based on various assumptions |
Not random |
Flexible models to fill in missing outcome measures, complete data set with imputed values can be used in any methods used for complete data |
Require careful considerations of assumptions used for imputation |
Mixture (pattern) models |
Overall treatment effects are estimated as an average of effects from the mix of different dropout patterns |
Not random |
Flexible and require less stringent missing data mechanism |
Based on unverifiable assumptions, require careful considerations for model assumptions |