A) Consensus sequences from multiple sequence alignments for the voltage sensor of the EAG and HCN families shown as sequence logos (
Crooks et al., 2004). The height of each residue is proportional to its frequency, while the height of the overall stack of residues is inversely proportional to Shannon entropy. Residues facing the interior of the voltage sensor are highlighted with gray rectangles. Candidate residues for mutations were chosen according to two criteria: they were hydrophobic and facing the VSD hydrated lumen in HCN1, and substitution to hydrophilic residues were tolerated in the EAG family. The mutated residues are marked with stars. (
B) Z-position (along the membrane normal) of R270 relative to the charge transfer center residue (F186) along simulation time in the HCN1 wild type (cyan) and mutant (red). Each subunit is shown as a separate trace. (
C) Cartoon representation of the voltage sensor with the two mutated residues (red). R270 and the hydrophobic plug (F186) used to monitor activation kinetics (see panel B) are shown in green. (
D) Top: Example traces of the M153T/I160V mutant (right) compared to wild type HCN1 (left). Black traces represent current responses to depolarizing pulses whereas are red ones depict current responses elicited by hyperpolarizing potential pulses. Test pulses range from −150 mV to 50 mV from a holding potential of −10 mV. Scale bars show 2 µA (vertical) and 200 ms (horizontal). Bottom: Relative open probability vs. voltage relationships for the wild type (blue line) and mutant channel (red) with error bars (hidden within the symbols) showing standard deviation from three independent measurements.