Table 1.
Characteristics of trials included.
First Author (year), country, setting | Study design | Sample size (M, F), mean age (SD) | Disease duration months (range or SD) | Interventions summary (duration, dosage, and frequency) | Medications | Co-morbidities | Dependent variables, measurement tools |
Combs et al. (41), USA, Community Intervention group: community classes led by personal trainers Control group: university campus; 2 students supervised by physical therapist |
RCT | 31 (M: 21, F: 10) Boxing: n = 17 Exercises: n = 14 Boxing group 68.0 years (31.0) Exercise group 66.5 years (28.0) |
Median 50 (range 99.0) Exercise group Median 41.5 (range 182) |
Boxing group: 1. 15-min warm up exercises (seated) 2. 45–60 min boxing circuit training, including functional, endurance, and punching exercises Exercise group: 1. 15-min warm up exercises (seated) 2. strengthening, endurance ans balance exercises 3. 15-min cool down exercises Dosage: 24–36 sessions of 90 min over 12 weeks |
Not reported | Not reported | 1. Balance 2. Balance activities confidence 3. Mobility 4. Gait speed 5. Walking endurance 6. Quality of life Measurement tools: 1. BBS 2. ABC 3. TUG and dTUG 4. Timed gait 5. 6MWT 6. PDQL |
Combs et al. (42) USA, Community Delivered by professional boxers who were also personal trainers |
Case series | 6 (M: 6, F: 0) 60.17 years (10.26) |
Mean 28.67 (SD 24.34) | 24–36 boxing sessions over 12 weeks; optional continuation. 1. 20-min warm up: breathing and stretching exercises 2. 45–60 min circuit training including functional and endurance and punching exercises, pushups, skipping, treadmill, cycling, running (3 min bouts with 1 min rests) 3. 15–20 min cool down focusing on breathing, stretching and strength |
Dopamine replacement therapy in 4 participants | Not reported | 1. Balance 2. Balance activities confidence 3. Mobility 4. Gait speed, cadence, stride length, step width 5. Walking endurance 6. Quality of life 7. Disability Measurement tools: 1. BBS and FRT 2. ABC 3. TUG 4. Timed gait 5. 6MWT 6. PDQL 7. UPDRS |
BBS, berg balance scale; ABC, activities-specific balance confidence scale; TUG, timed up and go; dTUG, dual-task TUG; 6MWT, 6 min walk test; PDQL, Parkinson's disease quality of life scale; FRT, functional reach test. M, male; F, female; PT, physical therapist; RCT, randomized controlled trial.