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. 2019 Sep 13;33(5):615–623. doi: 10.1007/s10557-019-06907-8

Table 3.

Efficacy and safety outcomes for DOAC and warfarin use, stratified by polypharmacy status

Polypharmacy DOAC Warfarin RR I2 P value
Stroke Yes 339 (2.9%) 410 (3.6%) 0.90 [0.70–1.10] 0% 0.31
No 142 (3.1%) 161 (3.4%) 0.82 [0.70–0.94]
Death from any cause Yes 931 (8.0%) 1012 (8.8%) 0.92 [0.84–0.99] 0% 0.82
No 254 (5.5%) 289 (6.1%) 0.90 [0.75–1.04]
Major bleeding Yes 603 (5.2%) 652 (5.7%) 0.94 [0.64–1.24] 85% 0.15
No 119 (2.6%) 196 (4.1%) 0.61 [0.29–0.93]
Intracranial hemorrhage Yes 80 (0.7%) 156 (1.4%) 0.53 [0.18–0.87] 69% 0.99
No 27 (0.6%) 50 (1.1%) 0.53 [0.11–0.94]
CRNM bleed Yes 1081 (9.3%) 1179 (10.3%) 0.85 [0.56–1.14] 90% 0.62
No 422 (9.1%) 416 (8.8%) 0.96 [0.64–1.27]
Net clinical benefit * Yes 1265 (10.9%) 1415 (12.3%) 0.88 [0.82–0.95] 4% 0.43
No 343 (7.4%) 417 (8.9%) 0.83 [0.71–0.95]

*ARISTOTLE, stroke/SE/major bleed/death; ROCKET, stroke/SE/fatal bleed/vascular death