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. 2019 Jun 19;96(6):797–812. doi: 10.1007/s11524-019-00368-y

Table 3.

Adult mortality, health status, and risk factors

Denominator N (weighted %), median (IQR), or rate Range across slums
Adult mortality
  Housholds that experienced an adult death in past year 525 17 (3%) 1–7%
  Approximate adult death rate over past year 1537a 10.6/1000 2.7–27.9
Self-reported diseases in lifetime
  Non-communicable disease (NCD)
    Stroke 894 16 (2%) 0–3%
    Heart attack 894 23 (2%) 0–3%
    Diabetes 893 14 (1%) 0–2%
    Asthma 894 73 (7%) 4–11%
    Cancer 893 0 (0%) N/A
    Physical injury/trauma 894 87 (10%) 7–13%
  Communicable disease (CD)
    Pneumonia 892 13 (2%) 0–3%
    Tuberculosis 894 23 (3%) 2–6%
    Cholera 892 41 (4%) 3–8%
    Hepatitis 893 1 (0%) 0–< 1%
    Cancer 894 0 (0%) N/A
Diseases and health behaviors documented at time of survey
  Mental health
    Kessler-6 psychological distress score: median (IQR) 892 10 (7–12) 9–11
    Kessler-6 severe psychological distress 892 235 (24%) 20–33%
    Systolic blood pressure: median (IQR) 886 117 (108–129) 111–120
    Diastolic blood pressure: median (IQR) 886 72 (65–83) 70–76
    Any hypertension (as measured or on prescribed treatment) 886 179 (20%) 18–24%
    Hypertension stage 1 108 (13%) 11–16%
    Hypertension stage 2 53 (6%) 4–8%
  Body mass index 874
    Underweight (< 18.5) 78 (9%) 7–16%
    Normal (18.5– < 25) 462 (54%) 50–61%
    Overweight (25– < 30) 232 (27%) 17–30%
    Obese (≥ 30) 100 (10%) 6–13%
  Smoking 894
  Every day or some days 68 (7%) 6–11%
  Previously 50 (4%) 1–6%
  Never 776 (89%) 84–93%
  Alcohol consumption 894
    At least twice a week 148 (18%) 16–27%
    At least twice a month 172 (20%) 13–25%
    Never or monthly or less 574 (62%) 49–70%
  At least 1 fried meal per day 892 606 (69%) 55–73%
  Often or always uses salt in food 887 262 (33%) 6–60%
  Mean number of days/week eats fresh fruit/vegetables: median (IQR) 2 (1–3) 1–2
  Number of days drinks soda / sweetened beverages per week: median (IQR) 894 2 (0–6) 1–3
Women’s healthb
  Currently using any birth control method (if sexually active) 495 198 (38%) 23–49%
  Ever pregnant 539 360 (62%) 58–71%
  Has had 5 or more pregnancies 539 53 (5%) 4–13%
  Last live birth delivered in a hospital 336 191 (56%) 41–62%
  Any antenatal care for the last pregnancy 335 288 (86%) 83–88%
Healthcare access and utilization
  Ever received cholera vaccine 892 214 (26%) 15–35%
  Sought medical care in past year 893 304 (36%) 27–44%
  Hospitalized in past year 893 46 (5%) 2–9%
  Cost to travel to clinic (one way), USDc,d 303 0.21 (0–0.69) 0.09–0.35
  Time to get to clinic (one way), minutesd 304 19 (10–30) 14–27
  Did not receive care that was needed in the past 6 months 894 235 (26%) 21–35%
  Ever gone without healthcare to afford food 894 221 (27%) 18–37%

aCombines number of living adults listed on household rosters and deaths reported for the past year

bAmong women (N = 544)

cCalculated as 1 Haitian Gourde = 0.015 USD; corresponds to median (IQR) of 14 (0–46) and range of medians of 6–23

dAmong those who sought care in the past year (N = 304)