Fig. 5.
RNAseq revealed genes differentially expressed in both tolerant isolates compared to the sensitive strain, but absent in comparisons with M2903. Those genes were selected as possibly related to MF tolerance in these L. (V.) braziliensis clinical isolates. The table lists the description of these 36 DEG genes. Genes marked in green are upregulated in the sensitive isolate (LTCP 16012) compared to both tolerant strains (LTCP 16907 and LTCP, 19446). Genes in red are downregulated in the sensitive strain compared to tolerant strains. Genes shown in gray were found to be differentially expressed in these contrasts but not in the same direction, being upregulated in one comparison but down in the other. The detailed list of these 36 DEG containing logFC and p-value information is available as Supplementary Table 4.