Figure 1.
Associations between neurocognitive domain scores and primary biomarkers sCD14, sCD163, sICAM-1 and sVCAM-1. All biomarkers were log2 transformed. The parameter estimates (dots) and 95% confidence intervals (lines) represent the mean change in the neurocognitive score indices per 1-unit change in the log biomarker value. Lines not crossing 0 are significant. Mustard colored dots and lines represent univariate model with the sole biomarker. First adjustment (teal color) controls for age, gender, race, highest level of education retained, repeated grade, current employment status, past year’s income, self-reported tobacco, cannabis, and alcohol use in the past 3 months, BDI-II total score, concurrent active infections. Second adjustment (black color) controls for all covariates included in the first adjusted model as well as viral load (positive or negative), CD4 T cell count, cART status (Efavirenz-containing ART, non-Efavirenz containing ART, not on any ART) at week 144.