Fig 14. Right forelimb and manus of Aegicetus gehennae type specimen (CGM 60584).
A, right forelimb with scapula, humerus, and ulna (reversed from left side) in right lateral view. B, partial right manus with the scaphoid, magnum, cuneiform, pisiform, metacarpals I through V, and associated proximal and middle phalanges in dorsal or right lateral view. Note dorsoventral expansion of the blade of the scapula, especially the infraspinous fossa (isf) and the prominent olecranon process (op) on the ulna. A and B have different scales. Abbreviations: anp, anconial process; c, caput; cp, coracoid process; dt, deltoid tuberosity; gt, greater tuberosity; isf, infraspinous fossa; lt, lesser tuberosity; op, olecranon process; ss, scapular spine; ssf, supraspinous fossa; stp, styloid process.